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Top 8 Best Herpes Dating Sites for People with HSV In 2021

Top 8 Best Herpes Dating Sites for People with HSV In 2021

Anonymous couple dating with herpes

We’ve all made mistakes in our lives. We’ve all had unprotected sex, we’ve all accidentally had one too many drinks and forgot to inquire about all the important information. We’ve all been there, and some of us have been unlucky enough to earn an STD from it. Well, you live and you learn, there is nothing to do about it now!

But don’t fret! Just because you got yourself an STD doesn’t mean that your romantic and sex life is over – oh my dear, quite the contrary! There are a lot of people with sexually transmitted diseases, and they’re normal, chill people just like you.

Dating with an STD is nothing new, and its vast community is growing by the day. Studies show that over 50% of sexually active individuals suffer from some sort of herpes, and that’s a proven fact! Some people prefer to mingle in real life, but that can be frightening for others. Internet dating has become a staple in our culture, and so has inclusivity!

The dehumanization of people with sexually transmitted diseases has thankfully been abolished in the 21st century, for the most part. It’s widely accepted as it should be; we’re all people for god’s sake! We’ve compiled a list just for you, so you can take your romantic and sexual life to the internet like everyone else, and be the boss we know you are! Here are the top eight dating sites for people with Herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases.

1. Positivesingles

PositiveSingles Homepage

PositiveSingles is one of the first internet-based herpes dating places, and it offers the most down to earth, supportive, and best services around. It is a privately owned and exclusive community catered to people just like you!

The website is not herpes exclusive either. On the front page of this website, you can find many different options to select from, in the field of sexually transmitted diseases.

PositiveSingles is not only a dating website, as it offers a support group and a place where people could look for everything from friendships, hookups to romance, and fulfillment of fantasies. Gaining many sexually transmitted diseases is a fetish for some, lest we forget.

It’s not known as one of the best for no reason, as it has a whopping number of people on it, numbering in over a million different interactive users. The members are active not only on the website’s forums but on their private profiles as well. It doesn’t support nudity or any distasteful content, and the only drawback is that only premium members can send messages. But there are chatrooms!

It offers various privacy settings and is truly more of a social media platform than a dating website. A must-visit if you’re looking for a great and well-round-up website for your dating and friend-finding needs.

2. HerpesPeopleMeet

HerpesPeopleMeet -Homepage

Another leading name in the industry, HerpesPeopleMeet is a credible, easy to use, and fun website that might land you whatever you desire if you use it properly. It’s 710,000 members come from all around the world, and are not North America exclusive like most of its competitors.

The website sign up shit is very simple to fill up, and it won’t ask you for your personal details, so you don’t have to worry about privacy infringement at all.

Unlike most websites, HerpesPeopleMeet offers most features absolutely free of charge. It gives you your personal profile that you’re free to customize in any way, shape or form you see fit, a personal search bar so you can find whatever you’re looking for, and many filters to do so.

A great and original addition to the website is their dating tips and ideas. In this section, members of the website can access a huge selection of dating tips and ideas to help them meet new people for the first time from existing users.

There is nothing to be ashamed of – HerpesPeopleMeet offers live support for their members. This can range from STD-related questions to any emotional support you might need! Never be ashamed or afraid of who you are, you’re beautiful!


MPWH Homepage

Another herpes-centered dating website, MPWH offers a wide selection of potential dates and friends you can gain from using it. Your privacy is of the utmost concern when it comes to MPWH.

The process of joining the website is fairly simple, as is the case with most of the websites dealing with any kind of dating, herpes-centered or not. Again following the platform of the social media dating website, MPWH lets you upload a profile picture, establish your profile with as much information as you want, and even update your status.

MPWH is a pay-to-access site, and its memberships range from a month, three months, and up to six months. It’s month membership costs 30 USD, three months cost 60 USD, and six months will set you back 96 USD.

They also give you the option to earn a gold membership, completely free of charge. But sadly there is no guarantee that it will remain there. You can gain this exclusive membership by sharing your opinions, dating suggestions, promoting the website by referring it to your friends, and much more.

It also allows you to create your private blog and view the private blogs of others, which is an amazing way to interact with members of the website and meet new people and potentials partners!

4. HSVSingles

HSVSingles Homepage

A big and well thought out website exclusive to people suffering from herpes, HSVSingles offers a dating service just like any other, but for the exclusive member base, i.e. people suffering from said disease.

Unlike most dating websites, and some of the herpes exclusive ones, HSVSingles is completely free to sign up for and use! You can, of course, pay for a membership if you’re very serious about finding a date, hookup or even falling in love, but you need not pay to access the basic features of this website!

It has many interesting features such as “send a flirt”, which allows you to send someone one of the pre-made messages to let them know what you think about them or how you feel, without the need to think up clever ice-breakers or pickup lines.

It’s also very well-known for its security and privacy. Online privacy is very important to some in the dating world, let alone the herpes dating world. You don’t have to worry about a think, HSVSingles has you covered.

Paying members also get exclusive perks such as hiding your profile completely if you want to do that for any reason. It also adds many more filter options, direct messages, chatrooms, and allows you to send unlimited flirts and emails to other members of the website!

This very simple and good-looking website is also a must-see if you’re interested in dating while suffering from your disease.

5. H-Date

H-Date Homepage

It’s really not hard to educate yourself on your disease. It’s very hard to find understanding people who accept you for who you are. But just as with any other disease, you’ll root out your friends, so only the true and tried remain. H-Date offers a very supportive group and over 41,000 members for you to choose from.

It has many good and unique features, such as free direct messages, detailed profiles of users to determine if you’re compatible with them, spotlight members and a section to follow the development of the website.

Like with any other small, tight-knit community, it’s properly and regularly regulated by the sites many moderators. The zinger on this website is that it’s completely free! You’ve heard that right, this is the one and only free Disease and LGBTQ+ supportive dating application, so you’re urged to support it. There aren’t any hidden fees, and all the website’s features are available to you at no charge!

It also provides you with a detailed filter to filter out what you want or don’t want in your possible S/O, which include everything from the type of disease they have to their ethnicity. It’s just that good, and for nothing at all!

6. MeetPositives

MeetPositives Homepage

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MeetPositives is a newer addition to the long collection of dating with herpes websites. That doesn’t make it the worst, though! It’s one of the best-optimized websites for your everyday dating needs.

It features many users, primarily from North America, is LGBTQ+ friendly, and offers a wide variety of advanced support options for people suffering from STD’s. It’s one of the rare sites that work on all platforms, such as phones, tablets, smart televisions, and anything you can think of. It’s just that well-optimized!

It also has a page where members share their experiences about living with STD’s and overcoming their newfound fears and anxiety. It’s truly the best place to find like-minded people and perhaps even mingle with them. The choice is ultimately yours!

You can even join the website as a disease-free member if you’re willing to learn more and mingle with people who suffer from the disease, as it’s been de-stigmatized in recent years.

7. HWerks

HWerks Homepage

HWerks is one of the sites that promise great service and lives up to it! It has a professional look and feel to it, but it’s still very easy to use and navigate through. The community is as addictive as anything and can cause you to get lost in the vast expansions of this website. The only downside is that the website is free to register to but pay-to-use.

It’s basically unusable without a subscription, but it won’t set you back by much. It also hosts several kinds of community events you’re more than welcome to engage in.

It does not require you to post a profile picture like most other websites, but you should never lie about yourself, your looks, or your age. If you’re feeling a bit anxious, you can always DM someone your picture to prove yourself.

The groups of this website are its most astonishing features. It offers you the chance to skip the whole hitting on, one-liner, and pick up line part of internet dating and participate in group conversations on the topics of your choosing. You’re more likely to connect to people this way, and it is sure to set you well on your way to finding a potential date.

8. HerpesPassions

HerpesPassions Homepage

HerpesPassions is the most reliable website for people who suffer from an STD to mingle on. It’s bold, simple, and brash, but advanced enough to keep it interesting. Again, following the template of a dating/social media site, it can offer you the chance to find interesting people who understand you more than anyone else.

Like any good online dating website, you can choose what information you want to give away. From very little to an abundance of questions, HerpesPassions has you covered.

It’s also the cheapest site around, with the gold membership fee only being 5 USD. Free members get most of the perks, but being a gold member always offers you more than you can hope for. The Gold membership offers the removal of your private page from search engines, special stickers, no advertisements, and many other pleasantries.

It is also extremely user-friendly due to its slick and simple design, so people who are new to social media and online dating can find their way around as simple as pie.

Dating with a disease can be frightening for the most part, and we hope that through this quick article, we’ve helped you overcome your fears. Your life is far from over! These were some of our hand-picked websites to help you become sexually and romantically active again.

Never forget the fact that you’re a human being and that you deserve the best a human being can get. Never let your disease keep you from doing anything, as even with your imperfections, you’re capable of doing amazing things.

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